北京太平洋活性炭制品有限公司,是一家集活性炭的生产、科研、销售一体化的中美合资的活性炭公司。生产太平洋牌活性炭系列产品,包括煤质颗粒、柱状、球状、粉状,木质破碎、柱状、粉状,活性炭纤维及布,载体炭,活性炭滤芯等;现年产30000MT,直接出口量1万吨以上,产品销往美国、加拿大、韩国、日本、台湾及欧洲等世界各地;是中国较大的活性炭出口企业之一。 为严把质量关,提供服务,公司在天津港还建有质量控制中心及3000平方米的仓库; 主要产品:煤质净水炭 果壳净水炭 椰壳净水炭 电站专用炭 电子专用炭 电镀专用炭 空气净化炭 脱色专用炭 石油化工炭 污水处理炭 养鱼专用炭 脱氧专用炭 粉状活性炭 汽车专用炭 炭棒及滤芯 服务宗旨:品质较好,价格低廉,服务周到,交付快捷。BPACP manufactures and provides a complete series of activated carbon(a.c.) paoducts including granular, pellets, pulverized, coal based, wood based, acid washed, water washed, a.c. block, honey comb a.c.;fibre based a.c. and a.c. cloth, fibre felt with powder a.c. One quality controlling center, one special warehouse of 3000㎡ and one set of special packing facilities are located in Beijing. We can manufacture the activated carbon products in accordance with customers’ special requirements. In the year of 2004, BPACP produced more than 30000 tons and directly exported more than 10000 tons of products. We can provide with reliable quality products, reasonable prices and excellent after-sale services. You con obtain more information on our products by contacting ...展开
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